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Beauty Tips

Be bright with Besan (gram flour)

(Photo : Google pics)
 Ingredients :

  1. 2 tablespoon of gram flour.
  2. 1 tablespoon honey.
  3. Half a lemon.
Procedure :

Take a 2tbl spoon of gram flour then take a 1tbl spoon of honey then add the lemon juice mix it well so that it gets a paste-like consistency to apply all over face and neck keep it for 15 to 20 mins wash it off with the plane or cold water. Apply ice...

Usefulness of the ingredients :

  1. Besan brightens our skin and reduces tan.
  2. Honey is a natural moisturizer and softens our skin gives a healthy glow and makes our skin soft. 
  3. Lemon has bleaching properties enriched with vitamin C reduces scars and spots.
