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Avengers Endgame: Superbowl teaser Easter eggs and Analysis

(Photo: Google pics)
The most anticipated movie of the year is just around the corner, teaser, trailers and the hype at its peak and rising every day and so are it's fan theories and movie analysis. With the recent Superbowl teaser, fans have been delighted with yet another sneak peek into what's happening in the MCU, questions like will Tony survive and come back? Will the snap be undone? Will our Avengers win or Thanos? And last but not least. How the hell did Scott lang come out of the Quantum realm? On today's weekly article, let us delve deeper into these queries.

(Photo: Google pics)
The teaser begins with a flash of the fallen heroes in the reverse order of their decimation with a monochromatic red only colour to match the Marvel logo and also signify the bloodshed of the heroes. It can also be compared with the red colour scheme of Steven Spielberg’s Shindler’s list movie and then the Margel logo which becomes dust and fades away. Chills, literal chills at that moment and then we are greeted with a shot of multitude of boats, landlocked around the Statue of Liberty. This scene probably proves the far and reaching effects of the snap and how the remaining people have bonded together and come closer to help each other in these tough times or

(Photo: Google pics)
With Captain America's voiceover in the background saying “Some people move on but...” with the image of a poster stuck on a glass wall as shown in the image and a group therapy session going on in the background. Showing how society has been accepted by everything.

(Photo: Google pics)
Then an image of Captain America saying and the voice saying “Not us” and the Camera zooming in on him. Then a Gargled voice saying Not us again and the Scene cuts to the next one.

(Photo: Google pics)
In this scene, we get a glimpse of the classic Iron man from his origin story. Where we see the Mechanic Version of Tony Stark, who loves to build things and can build anything from scratch, like Mark-1. With nebula in the background helping her, together with most probably are onto building something which shall help them get back home. One question still remains is that the previous trailer scene was before this or after this one.

(Photo: Google pics)
This scene is of great mystery as many fan theories suggest as to what they might be all looking at? Maybe Captain Marvel or tony returning? We have to wait to find out and there is one more thing.

(Photo: Google pics)
That scene has a weird gap between the right two characters which suggests tampering in the sense, someone has been digitally altered to not give away any spoilers. Probably a new or old character has been deleted from the scene like that Wakanda and Hulk trailer scene of Infinity war trailer. MCU does really do to a very great height for keeping secrets.

(Photo: Google pics)
Then the scene cuts to rocket entering through a door with his new comic book accurate uniform along with the most rumoured quantum armour or the quantum suit which everyone will get. (Including Hulk). This leak was from the MCU merchandise section when Avengers Action figures went for sale. Coming back to this scene, it's dark and nothing can be said about it except for the background which has a Mountain and a sea nearby. Then comes the next scene.

(Photo: Google pics)
Then we see a Natasha image who is shooting onto a target and hitting the dead centre of the board and keeps on hitting it.

(Photo: Google pics)
The next scene is very short with Ant-Man and the Iron Patriot, both putting on their headgear and their eyes begin to glow like they are about to attack someone.

(Photo: Google pics)
Then it cuts to a shot of Thor with a closeup of his face and he is looking down on someone or something.

(Photo: Google pics)
The next shot also is of him but from his backside and he is on a high place and looking down somewhere, possibly the New Asgard or as they call it in the comics, Argardia.

(Photo: Google pics)
Then comes a shot of Hawkeye a.k.a Ronin in his full glory looking up again towards someone or something but with a red glow on his face.

(Photo: Google pics)
This is really an iconic shot as we had last seen Captain America use his shield in Civil war and at the last scene, he left the shield there. That’s why in Infinity war there was no shield with him but that didn’t stop him becoming a superhero because he is more than just a shield and in Spider-man: Homecoming, this was what tony stark was trying to make Peter Parker understand. The suit doesn’t make someone a hero. You yourself make oneself a hero.
(Photo: Google pics)
The last scene is of everyone marching down as the sun rises and the camera pans to the right. We have, Cap, Thor, Black widow, rocket, Ant-man, War machine and banner walking in a straight line with a weird gap again between war machine and ant-man which signals to yet another character being digitally removed to avoid any spoilers.

(Photo: Google pics)
The teaser ends with the reminder that the Endgame is due for an April release date and the A is of the Avengers logo. Will, there be time travel or will the snap be undone? Will the Eternal beings finally come to their aid like in the comics or is Ant-man the key to defeating Thanos. We shall soon know the answer in April. 10 years and with numerous Marvel movies, the MCU comes to an end of their Phase-4 movies and one great story arc told by the Russo brothers.

Arnab Mondal

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