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Magic Hair Mask....

Hi everyone πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

(Photo: Google pics)
M back with another easy homemade hair mask yeah it's hair mask this Tym actually I was having bad hair days it was rough and had split ends so I chopped off my hair and it's very short Now....... I recently tried this mask and got a good result you all can try this if you are having the same problems... So let's get started

You only need two ingredients πŸ˜‰ olive oil and honey yeah that's all...

Procedure: Shampoo your hair but don't apply conditioner 
Let it dry a bit then apply
3 table spoon of honey and 2 table spoon of olive oil..... Leave it for a minimum 30 mins maximum of 2 hrs..... Dip a towel in warm water wrap the hair with that... Apply mild shampoo

And see the magic...... 😊😊😊😊

Try this soon..... Thanks, me later 

Be beautiful... Stay beautiful.


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